If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

Mackinac Island Carriage Tours
Box 400, Mackinac Island, MI 49757

Ticket Office location:

7278 Main St, Mackinac Island

Mailing address:

Mackinac Island Carriage Tours
P.O. Box 400
Mackinac Island, MI 49757-0400

Business Office location:

7396 Market St, Mackinac Island
Phone : (906) 847-3307
Fax: (906) 847-6482

Taxi Office: (906) 847-3323


For general information regarding Mackinac Island, please visit the Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau at:
or call 1-800-4LILACS (1 (800) 454-5227)

Hours (Weather Permitting)

  • Early May - Mid June 9am - 3pm
  • Mid June - Labor Day 9am - 5pm
  • Labor Day - Late September 9am - 3pm
  • Early October - End of Season 9am - 2pm

*All hours are subject to change without notice.